Easy Things to Say on Thank You Cards

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It's always the right time to say thanks. We probably don't say it often enough, so it's easy to feel overwhelmed thinking about what to write in a thank you card. But it's never too late to start saying thank you more often!

Writing a thoughtful note begins long before you pick up a pen. If you want to prioritize sending thank you letters, you can start by keeping a detailed list of the ones you want to remember to write. It can be tough to remember all the gifts you received in the hectic days leading up to a wedding, for example (by the way, if you are a bride, check out thank you message ideas for wedding shower gifts).

Your list should include:

  • the name of the gift-giver
  • the item given
  • the date received

This task may sound exciting to spreadsheet lovers, but it can feel overwhelming to many others. It doesn't have to be fancy. Just jot down the information in a fun & easy way that will motivate you to get the notes written and sent! Use post-its, a fun to-do list, or fancy stationery. Whatever makes you feel happy & motivated!

The most important thing is to make sure thank-yous are heartfelt. Your careful attention will make the special people in your life feel the love & appreciation. To help get your creative juices flowing, we've shared a messaging guide & some messaging ideas; you'll find thank you messages for friends, how to write a thank you message for a veteran, and even thank you messages for your boss or coworkers when you leave a job.

Thank You Messaging Guide for Gifts

  1. Take time to prepare

Taking a little time to prepare can help ensure that no one gets missed when you're writing thank-you notes. (This is the favorite step of the spreadsheet savvy, but it can still be fun even if that doesn't describe you!)

The stationery you choose will create a powerful first impression. Small note cards are traditional & always appropriate. Other ideas include writing your note on a postcard from your honeymoon location for wedding gifts. The back of a photograph of happy newlyweds, a new baby, or a recent graduate is also a perfect medium for your note.

Once you have your list & have selected your stationery, it's time to get down to the nitty-gritty part: the writing! Take a moment to think through what you would like to say before you start. A little extra forethought will help prevent errors and the need to rewrite.

  1. Address your audience

Acknowledging the recipient by name makes them feel special, which is the number one goal of a thank you note. Reinforce unique relationships by addressing your note to "my favorite Aunt Sally" rather than just "Aunt Sally." It's also okay to inject a bit of personality by saying something like, "To my wonderful Maid Of Honor, Amy." The key here is to make your recipient feel recognized.

  1. Mention the specific gift

Name the present, as precisely as possible, within the first sentence of your note. For example, try phrases such as "Thank you for the luxurious new towels" or "Thank you for the package of diapers and adorable pink dress."

For monetary gifts, it is acceptable to use a slightly more generic phrase such as "Thank you for the card and generous gift." Some people find it impolite to mention the amount of money given. If you received a gift card, however, do mention the store it was from. Feel free to say, "I can't wait to use your West Elm gift card to help purchase a piece of artwork I've been admiring for weeks."

  1. Mention how you'll use the gift (or what it means to you)

Beyond naming the item received, you can tell them how you anticipate using it or what it means to you personally. The note helps them know that the gift was appreciated and meaningful.

For example, if you received a set of pots & pans, you might say, "I look forward to cooking many dinners with them!" or "They will be perfect for making my favorite chicken soup. Yum!"

Another idea is to explain what you like about the gift. For example, you can write, "The new towels are so soft and match our bathroom perfectly." If you received money, say, "I can't wait to pick out a fun new rug for my bedroom!" For any money you plan to use for living expenses: "Your gift will help so much as we start our new life together!"

  1. Focus on relationships

A sincere thank-you note will emphasize the value of the gift-giver. End your message by making your reader feel special by sharing a kind thought, such as, "Coworkers like you bring joy to each day" or "I'm so lucky to have a dependable & thoughtful friend like you."

  1. Sign off

Close the note with your signature. While the reader will likely already know whom the message is from, it is a personal touch that will indicate your sincerity.

  1. Put it all together

Now that you have the essential components for a well-written thank-you note, it's time to put it together. Use these samples as a guide for writing your message:

Example 1: "Dear Aunt Mindy,

Thank you for the new mixer. It is just what I wanted and will be perfect for mixing up my favorite chocolate cake batter! I look forward to seeing you at the family dinner on Sunday. Maybe I will even bring dessert!

Love, Michelle"

Example 2: "To My Best Friend, Amy,

Thank you for the card and generous house-warming gift. I'll be using it to buy new plates to match the new kitchen. You will have to come to dinner soon so we can use them together! You have always been such a good friend to me, and I look forward to making many more memories together.

Your Friend, Molly"

What to Write in a Thank You Card: 59 Message Starters to Say Thank You for Any Occasion

Naturally, you'll say thank you differently depending on the occasion & the recipient. For example, your message to your mom for her tireless help with your wedding will be a whole lot different than a message to a coworker for your birthday gift. These message starters will help when you are thinking of the sweetest way to say thanks!

Thank you messages to family members

You can thank a family member for helping you with your kids, giving you a special gift, or showing up during a difficult time. Or, you can send a beautiful thank you card any time just to let your family member know that their presence & love are meaningful to you.

  1. I feel so lucky to call you family! I am thankful for all that you do.
  2. Your kindness & generosity have touched my heart. Thank you!
  3. Thank you for your helping hand & shining light during a dark day. I'm so thankful that I can count on my family to be there for me.
  4. Thank you for being the best ________ (mom, brother, grandmother, etc.). I don't know what I'd do without you!
  5. Thank you from the bottom of my heart; I appreciate how you show your love for me in so many beautiful ways.

Friends laughing

Thank you messages to friends

You've got a friend in me. Sometimes, you want to do a little something special for a friend. Everyone admires the sweet friendships in Toy Story, so a cute way to say thanks to a friend would be to write a thank you message inside an adorable Buzz & Woody pop-up card.

  1. I'm thankful to have a friend like you to lean on! Thank you for being dependable & trustworthy.
  2. Thank you for knowing me better than I know myself & still loving me. Your friendship means the absolute world to me.
  3. Thank you for sticking by my side through thick & thin. For putting up with me even when you probably shouldn't. You're the best!
  4. To my cheerleader and my friend, you deserve the biggest thank you, so THANKS!
  5. Sharing moments with you is one of life's greatest joys. Thank you for laughing at ridiculous jokes with me!

Thank you messages to coworkers

Saying thanks to coworkers makes for a sweeter, more harmonious working atmosphere. Express your gratitude with a beautiful thank you pop-up flower bouquet or celebratory thank you card. (Don't forget! All of these cards & bouquets come with a Love Note card to write your thank you message on.)

  1. Thanks for making the water cooler the best place to be. I don't know how I'd make it without you!
  2. Thanks for making my Monday through Friday feel *almost* as fun as the weekend. You're the best!
  3. I'm thankful to call you a coworker and a friend!
  4. Thanks for walking past my desk 30 times a day. I wouldn't be so behind without you! (Just kidding!)
  5. Thanks for being my lunch partner and listening to my endless rants.

Thank you messages to him/her/them

Your partner lovingly shows up day in and day out. They provide tons of meaningful love, support, and friendship. So how can you make them feel special? Say thanks! If you know that words of affirmation are a "love language" to your partner, then the simple gesture of writing a heartfelt thank you note will mean the world. Express thanks for something specific or just for being themselves.

  1. Thank you for being the other half of my life; I feel complete & at peace when we're together.
  2. Thank you for being my best friend, a partner in crime, and the love of my life. You make life more wonderful in every conceivable way!
  3. No card can ever say thank you for all that you do, but here goes nothing. Thank you for all that you do! ;)
  4. Thank you for your kindness, love, and the smile you put on my face.
  5. Thank you for loving me endlessly just the way I am. Your love makes me feel more confident and joyful!
  6. Happiness is having a _____ (partner, husband, girlfriend, wife, etc.) like you. Thank you for being the sweetest part of my life!

Thank you messages to nurses

Whether a nurse cares for you or your sick loved one, you know the really great ones go above and beyond. They are empathetic & make a difficult time more bearable just by being there. So if you want to say thanks to your favorite nurse, check out the messages below:

  1. Thanks for sticking by my side through one of the worst times in my life. You brought sunshine to my gloomy days!
  2. Your kindness doesn't go unnoticed. Thank you for going above and beyond to show my ________ (friend, parent, child, etc.) compassion.
  3. Real-life superheroes wear scrubs! You are an incredible nurse and wonderful human. Don't let grumpy patients tell you otherwise!
  4. Tell your boss I said you deserve a raise! Hands down, you have been the best nurse we've ever had. Thank you for your excellent care.
  5. You're human sunshine! Thank you for brightening my days & caring for _______ (mom, dad, etc.). I don't know what I would have done without you!
  6. Thanks for best the best teacher-therapist-friend-motivational speaker-nurse ever! You wear about a hundred hats oh-so-well!

Super Heros Wear Scrubs - Pop-Up Card for Nurses and Doctors

Thank you notes to doctors

Doctors are extraordinary, too! People rely on their expertise to stay healthy & sometimes to get through life-threatening events. If you have been through a health scare, you know what it means to have a doctor listen & care for you attentively. Perhaps you have an incredible family doctor. A beautiful pop-up card with a gift card and handwritten note is super encouraging & meaningful.

  1. Thank you for listening, caring, and helping me heal. I will always be thankful we crossed paths!
  2. Since my diagnosis, you have graciously explained, held my hand, and given me hope for recovery. I'm forever grateful!
  3. Thanks for your thorough care & attention. I know I'm in good hands with you as my doctor!
  4. Thank you so much for helping us bring a healthy baby into the world. You respected our wishes & helped create a peaceful environment. We can't wait to tell them about you one day!
  5. I'm very grateful for the new chance at life that you have given me. Thank you for performing my surgery with such care & precision.
  6. The world would be a better place if all doctors were like you! Thank you for being present, encouraging, and going all-out to help me feel better.

Thank you messages to veterans

If you are wondering when the most appropriate time is to thank a veteran, the answer is any time! Yes, you can celebrate on Veteran's Day, but you can also take the opportunity whenever you think of it to show your appreciation for a veteran's service & sacrifice. For example, you can give them a beautiful Americana Basket Pop-up Card & a practical gift, such as a meal, care package, or anything else that might be helpful.

  1. Thank you so much for your service. We could never repay you, but we thank you immensely for your sacrifice.
  2. I am so proud to be in the same family as someone who served our country with honor. Thank you for your service!
  3. We hope you always feel honored for your sacrifices to protect our country. You are dear to us, and we are so grateful to have you in our lives!
  4. You have given so much time, energy, and love to the well-being and protection of our country. Bless you, for your commitment & service.
  5. Thank you for putting your life on the line to defend us & our nation. We honor your hard work and thank you for your sacrifice.

Thank you messages to your boss when leaving a job

Whether you've had the best boss in the world or a mediocre one (but you're still thankful for them), they've contributed to your career & professional development significantly. Sometimes, bosses even become close friends. So, when it's time to go, you want to thank them for all they taught you and the positive experiences you've shared.

  1. I appreciate your support through this turbulent season in my life. It means everything to have a leader I admire in my corner. Thanks for being gracious, encouraging, and kind.
  2. Thanks for putting in a good word for me with my new employer. The transition is bittersweet, but I am grateful for your support through this transition.
  3. Before I go, I want you to know how much I appreciated your ____________ (guidance, support, personality, management style, etc.) It's been a pleasure working with you!
  4. Working with you has helped me achieve my professional goals faster than I would have otherwise. Thanks for believing in me and helping me grow!
  5. Thanks for being a role model & friend while I have been here at _________ (company). I'm thankful this job connected us!
  6. You're honestly the best boss ever! Thanks for making the days enjoyable & propelling me to grow. You're an inspiration & I'll miss you!

Thank you notes to colleagues when leaving a job

When you pack up your office, return your keys, or say your final goodbyes, bring thank you notes for your favorite coworkers. It's emotional saying goodbye, but you can leave your coworkers thinking about happier days. Thank them for their support and friendship.

  1. I will miss all the fun times, but I'll tell stories about our shenanigans for years to come. Thanks for being awesome!
  2. Thanks for being a fun coworker (and now friend)! Working with you was a happy surprise.
  3. Even though we won't work together anymore, I think we'll always be friends. I can't wait to see what's in the future for both of us.
  4. I'm going to miss you! Thanks for training me & teaching me so much about this job.
  5. It's funny that we didn't like each other very much at first. I'm really gonna miss you. Let's stay in touch!

Goodbye and Good Luck Pop-Up Card

Thank you messages to a party host

Whether you attended a fun birthday party, fancy dinner party, or even a family birthday fiesta, it's kind to mail (or hand-deliver) a note to the party host. Let them know that they're a star!

  1. Thanks again for inviting me out to celebrate your birthday. It was a blast laughing & making memories together!
  2. Thanks for inviting us to dinner last weekend. We had the best time & would love to have you guys over soon!
  3.  OMG, thank you so much for hosting a fabulous _________ (birthday, anniversary, retirement, etc.) party for me! I loved having everyone together & appreciate your thoughtfulness.
  4. You've always been the most hospitable host & wonderful cook. I need to get your pasta recipe, and I loved playing Pictionary. I hadn't played that game in forever. Thanks again!
  5. We were thrilled you invited us to your pool party! We loved meeting new families from the neighborhood, and the kids are still talking about your new waterslide. Thanks again for including us!

Thank you notes to a client

Your clients help build your business by returning & telling their friends about you, too. Maybe you're a hairdresser, car detailer, realtor, contractor, or have literally any other type of business. Your clients will love receiving a thank you note for their loyalty, support, and referrals.

  1. Thanks for telling your friend about our salon! We appreciate you introducing us to more great customers.
  2. You're amazing! The shop wouldn't be the same without awesome shoppers like you. Thanks for being so loyal!
  3. What would I do without you? Thanks for spreading the word & helping me build my new business!
  4. Thank you for your consistent orders and for believing in my small business. It means the world to have your confidence & support.
  5. I loved working with your family over the past few months. Thank you for allowing me to get to know you & help you sell your home!

There are big thank yous and not-so-big thank yous. Your thank-you note to your boss of the last decade will have a different vibe than a thank-you to an acquaintance who hosted a dinner party last week. Surely you wouldn't gift someone who babysat your kids for three days the same card you would give to someone who helped you with a presentation at work.

Choose your card based on the occasion. You want to ensure your card celebrates the kindness of the recipient and is also appropriate for the event. If you wish to give a super-special thank you card, a thank you card from Lovepop's collection is seriously the perfect thing. Our cards help convey your thank you with an extra pop of creativity & love!

Shop Thank You Cards


Source: https://shop.lovepop.com/blogs/pop-up-cards/how-to-write-a-thank-you-card

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